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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права» Кафедра иностранных языков


Учебное пособие к практическим занятиям для бакалаврантов 2-го курса очной формы обучения

Хабаровск 2012

ББК Ш 143.21 Х 12

Практическая грамматика английского языка : учеб. пособие для бакалаврантов 2-го курса направлений 080100.62 «Экономика»; 260800.62 «Технология продукции и организация общественного питания»; 080200.62 «Менеджмент»; 230700.62 «Прикладная информатика»; 100700.62 «Торговое дело»; 10800.62 «Товароведение» / сост. И. Д. Кочетова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2012. – 80 с.

Рецензенты Т.Б. Котмакова, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ДВГУПС, канд. пед. наук;

Ю.Г. Кожина, завкафедрой иностранных языков ДВЮИ МВД РФ, канд. пед. наук

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом академии в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание Кочетова Ирина Дмитриевна


Учебное пособие

Редактор Г. С. Одинцова


Подписано к печати __.__.__. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага писчая. Печать цифровая. Усл.п.л. 4,7. Уч.-изд.л. 3,3. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ № ___

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2012



Учебное пособие предназначено для бакалаврантов 2-го курса направления 080100.62 «Экономика», профиль «БУА и А», «Статистика», «АЭ», «ЭТр», «ФК», «НН»; направления 260800.62 «Технология продукции и организация общественного питания», профиль «ТОРД»; направления 080200.62 «Менеджмент», профиль «ПМ», «ГМУ», «УПр», «АУ», «Л», «Ма»; направления 230700.62 «Прикладная информатика», профиль «ПИЭ»; направления «Торговое дело» 100700.62, профиль «К», «РТОП»; направления 10800.62 «Товароведение», профиль «ТЭТ во внутренней и внешней торговле». Пособие может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Цель пособия – углубить и активизировать знания студентов по грамматике английского языка.

Пособие включает в себя следующие разделы: «Неличные формы глагола», «Условные предложения», «Повторение пройденного на 1-м курсе материала».

В каждом разделе даются таблицы, систематизирующие представленный материал; упражнения, направленные на активизацию и закрепление грамматического материала; тексты для перевода, включающие грамматические явления представленных разделов, и тесты, позволяющие определить степень и прочность усвоения материала. В пособии используются упражнения различной степени сложности, что позволяет преподавателю работать со студентами разного уровня владения английским языком.

При составлении пособия были использованы следующие источники:

1.Грамматика : сб. упражнений / Ю. Б. Голицынский. – 4-е изд. – СПб. : КАРО,


2.Нескучная грамматика или золотой ключик к лучшему пониманию английского языка : учеб. пособие / Н. И. Черенкова. – СПб. : Изд-во СПбГУЭФ, 2001.

3.Английский язык для студентов экономических специальностей / Н. И. Черенкова. – СПб. : Книжный дом, 2004.

4.Market Leader : course book / D. Cotton. – Edinburg : Longman, 2003.

5.Тесты по грамматике английского языка / Т. Г. Николенко. – М. : Рольф,


6.TOEFL для русских (морфология, синтаксис, стиль) : учеб. пособие / К. Ю. Диброва. – СПб. : НИЯК, 1999.






Формы причастий









being used








having used

having been used



после того как использовали,



будучи использованным


- - - - -





Употребление причастий I и II. Способы перевода на русский язык

Причастия и их






Причастие I

1. The house being built in

Дом, который строится


our street is very beautiful.

на нашей улице, очень

1. Определение







Переводится придаточным определительным




2. The woman speaking



on the phone is our

разговаривающая по



телефону, наш





Переводится причастным оборотом


1. Having finished

Выполнив перевод,

2. Обстоятельство

the translation the students

студенты покинули


left the room.






Переводится деепричастным оборотом


2. When translating the

Выполняя перевод


article you should consult

статьи, вам следует


the dictionary.







3. Not knowing the

Не зная языка, он не мог


language, he could not

понять незнакомца.


understand the stranger.


3. Часть сказуемого

1. He was walking along

Он шёл по улице, когда к

(времена группы

the street when a stranger

нему подошёл

Continuous и Perfect

came up to him.



2. We have been working

Мы работали над этим


on this project for two

проектом два месяца.




Причастие II

1. You should visit this

Вам следует посетить


museum opened a week

этот музей, открывшийся

1. Определение


неделю назад.





1. When asked about it

Когда его спросили об

2. Обстоятельство

he didn't say a word.

этом, он ничего не





Переводится придаточным обстоятельственным




1. I haven't been to my

1. Я не был в своём

3. Часть сказуемого

native town for several

родном городе несколько

(времена группы Perfect



и Пассивного залога)

2. My report was published

2. Мой доклад был


in well-known magazine.

опубликован в известном




Ex.1. Translate into Russian, analyzing the forms of the Participles.


1.Having evaluated the information we were able to give its interpretation.

2.When analyzing the work of the firm it is necessary to take outside consultants.

3.Having given a description of the methods used in this type of analysis we have to mention some of the earlier results.

4.The report identifies the major changes taking place in the kinds of goods and services being produced in this country.

5.Having been looked through the report was approved by his colleagues.

6.We think that the plan being considered will be adopted.

7.While choosing the media one should consider the following factors.

8.Having been informed on the conference they submitted their abstracts.

9.He offered the best solution of the problem being discussed.

10.Having been given all the instructions the designer was able to start his work immediately.


1. The amount of the initial investment required varied substantially according to the type of franchise business.


2.Russian business influenced by Western one showed a great potential.

3.The partners relied on by our firm honoured the contract.

4.You should fill in the form as stated above.

5.The company history described covered a lot of information.

6.When treated properly this information will be of great importance.

7.When given in a simple form the theory was understood by all trainees.

8.The instruments will be spoilt left in the open air.

9.The balance sheet required was taken by Chief Accountant.

10.When calculated figures the accountant reported on them to his boss.

Remember: английские глаголы принимают дополнение без предлога, а русские с предлогами: follow him – следовать (за)

influence him – влиять (на) affect him – воздействовать (на)

Mr. X followed by Mr. was the Sales Manager.

Mr. X (какой?), за которым следовал Mr. X, был менеджером по продажам.

Ex.2. Translate into Russian.

1.The President influenced by his deputy arrived at the decision.

2.The description of the firm followed by some examples was presented in the report.

3.The negotiations followed by a visit to the plant led to the conclusion of the contract.

4.The diagram showed illustrated decreases followed by increases.

5.They have different standards of judgment influenced by strong prejudices.

6.The pricing strategies directly influenced by various government agencies can be used by different firms.

Ex.3. Change sentences using рarticipial constructions.

Example: All the people who live in this house are students.

All the people living in this house are students.

1.As he had lived in Khabarovsk for 10 years, he could show all places of interest in


2.While we were discharging the ship we found a few broken cases.

3.The article which is being written now is about economic situation in Russia.

4.The books which were taken from the library must be returned in time.

5.After the goods had been sorted, they were placed in a warehouse.

6.After they had finished the translation, the students were allowed to leave the room for a while.

7.After she had spent a week in the country Ann looked almost fully recovered.

8.As I had lent my dictionary to a friend, I had to go to the library to get one for myself.

9.After Peter arrived in the city, he immediately hurried to the local post-office to let his family know that he had arrived safely.


10.When she heard the terrible news, the old woman turned pale and stood still for a while unable to say a word.

11."Will you write your name here, please," said the post-office clerk when he handed me the parcel.

Ex.4. Open the brackets, using Present Participle or Perfect Participle.

1.(live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St.Petersburg`s White nights in summer.

2.(talk) to her neighbour in the street, she did not notice how a thief stole her money.

3.(read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf.

4.(buy) some juice and cakes, we went home.

5.(sit) near the fire, he felt very warm.

6.(do) his homework, he was thinking hard.

7.(do), he went for a walk.

8.(sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends.

9.(sell) all the fruit, he went to see his friends.

10.(eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of tea.

11.(drink) tea, she scalded her lips.

12.(run) in the yard, I fell and hurt my knee.

13.(look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs.

14.(write) out and (learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.

Ex.5. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Participle.

1.(to phone) the agency, he left (to say) he would be back in two hours.

2.(to write) in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read.

3.(to write) his first book, he could not help worrying about the reaction of the critics.

4.(to spend) twenty years abroad, he was happy to be coming home.

5.(to be) so far away from home, he still felt himself part of the family.

6.She looked at the enormous bunch of roses with a happy smile, never before (to give) such a wonderful present.

7.(not to wish) to discuss that difficult and painful problem, he changed the conversation.

8.(to translate) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humor of the original.

9.(to approve) by the critics, the young author’s story was accepted by a thick magazine.

10.(to wait) for some time in the hall, he was invited into the drawing room.

11.(to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady.

12.They reached the oasis at last, (to walk) across the endless desert the whole day.

13.(to lie) down on the soft couch, the exhausted child feel asleep at once.

14.She went to work, (to live) the child with the nurse.


Причастная конструкция с дополнением (complex object)

существительное (в общем падеже)

+ Причастие I или местоимение (в объектном падеже)

после глаголов восприятия: to see, to hear, to watch, to notice We saw personnel manager interviewing new applicant.

Мы видели, как менеджер по персоналу беседовал с новым кандидатом.

I have never heard her speaking English.

Я никогда не слышал, как она говорит по-английски.

Ex.6. Translate into Russian. Underline complex object.

1.I have never heard her singing.

2.Have you heard us answering the teacher’s questions?

3.We didn’t notice the young lady going out the room.

4.We watched the treaty being signed

5.They saw the professor making the report.

6.He noticed the yacht reaching the island.

7.She saw the weather changing

Ex.7. Translate into English, using Participle I or Participle II .


1.Преподаватель выписал все ошибки, сделанные студентами в последней контрольной работе, и составил (написал) несколько упражнений для тренировки (to practice) забытых студентами грамматических правил.

2.Гуляя на днях по парку, я очутился в совершенно незнакомом месте.

3.Сдавая тетрадь, студент сказал, что он не закончил последнее упражнение, и обещал сделать его к следующему уроку.

4.Увидев, что собирается дождь, мать велела детям идти домой.

5.Пропустив два урока, студент с трудом понимал объяснения преподавателя.

6.Услышав голос этого человека, я подумал, что знаю его, но, подойдя ближе, я понял, что ошибся.

7.Романы, написанные этим писателем за последнее время, пользуются большой популярностью у читателей.

8.Выиграв первенство в институтских соревнованиях (the Institute championship), команда продолжала готовиться (to train for) к следующим играм.

9.Я не сомневаюсь, что сведения, полученные сегодня с утренней почтой, будут очень интересны для всех нас.

10.Женщина была очень благодарна офицеру, спасшему жизнь её ребёнку.


1.Улучшив качество товара, мы заметили резкий рост спроса на него.

2.Используемая схема оплаты работала хорошо.


3.Мы собираемся экспортировать товары, которые сейчас производятся на нашей фабрике.

4.Дефолт 1998 года, за которым последовала резкая девальвация рубля, привёл к сокращению импорта потребительского товара в Россию.

5.При определении своей миссии (задачи) многонациональная компания должна оценить окружающую среду.

6.Эти товары могут быть сразу же доставлены.

7.Так как его пригласили участвовать в конференции слишком поздно (будучи приглашённым), он не смог послать тезисы.

8.Проанализировав опыт других фирм, Вы сможете избежать ошибок, которые обычно допускают начинающие бизнесмены.

9.Обогнав своих конкурентов, компания проигнорировала предупреждение о том, что соперники наступают им на пятки.

10.Мы можем использовать метод, предложенный этими учёными.

11.Проблемы, обсуждаемые сейчас на переговорах, уже долгое время являются камнем преткновения для этих компаний.

12.Фирма, ориентированная на производство телекоммуникационной техники, должна быть в курсе последних достижений высоких технологий.

Ex. 8. Read and translate the texts. Analyze the using or Participle I and Participle II.


By Tim Reid

Bosses who are cash-strapped but want decent typists without having to give

them a

pay rise would do well to call them “Digital Data Executives”.


report published yesterday revealed that office workers have become so

“snobby’ about job titles that they would be willing to forgo an increase in salary for a more 'professional'-sounding position.

According to the study by Office Angels, the secretarial recruitment consultancy, job-title snobbery creates such envy that 90 per cent of employers and 70 per cent of employees said that it caused staff division.

Filing clerks long to be known as “Data Storage Specialists”, photocopying clerks as “Reprographics Engineers”, secretaries as “Executaries” and post-room workers as “Office Logistics Coordinators”. The report found that 70 per cent of office workers questioned replied that they might give up a bigger pay cheque for a more “motivational or professional” job title to make their job role seem more dynamic and inspirational. It also found that 70 per cent of staff believed the people they meet outside work instantly judged them by their job title.

From The Times



How do you like your boss? Sympathetic, empowering and not too busy, probably. They will be aware of the pressures of your job, but delegate responsibility where appropriate. They will be interested in your career development. Oh, and, preferably, they will be male.

In a survey for Royal Mail special delivery, a quarter of secretaries polled expressed a preference for a male boss. Only 7% said they would prefer a woman. The future of management may be female, but Ms High-Flier, it seems, can expect little support from her secretary.

One should not, of course, assume that all secretaries are female, but women still make up the overwhelming majority. So it makes uncomfortable reading for those who like to believe that a soft and cuddly sisterhood exists in the previously macho office environment, where women look out for their own. The findings also raise questions about neat predictions of a feminised future for management, where 'womanly' traits such as listening skills, flexibility and a more empathetic manner will become normal office currency.

Business psychologist John Nicholson is surprised by the survey's findings, asserting that “the qualities valued today in a successful boss are feminine, not masculine”. He is emphatic that women make better bosses. “They listen more, are less status-conscious, conduct crisper meetings, are much more effective negotiators and display greater flexibility.”

They are also considerably more common than they used to be. According to information group Experian, women are no longer scarce in the boardroom – they occupy a third of the seats round the conference table. Women directors are still relatively uncommon in older age groups, but among young directors the proportion is growing.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a reluctance to work for a woman may be more a question of management style than substance. “It's just women bosses' attitude,” says Martha, a PA for 25 years who has worked predominantly for women, including a high-profile politician. “It's something women have that men don't. When they are critical they are much more personal, whereas men sail through not taking a blind bit of notice.”

Sonia Neill, a former secretary at Marks and Spencer, has experienced power struggles between women even where there was a significant disparity in status. “Women either find it awkward to give you work or they try to assert themselves by giving you really menial tasks. Men never do that.”

From the Guardian




Формы герундия








V- ing

being V3


ex. writing

ex. being written


having V3

having been V3


ex. having written

ex. having been written



Функции герундия.


Способы перевода на русский язык.









Preparing a balance sheet is relatively difficult process.



Подготовка балансового отчёта является относительно



трудным процессом.






I remember having seen him before.



Я помню, что видел его раньше.






In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between



practice and theories.



Решая задачи, необходимо отделять практику от теории.



He had all opportunities of becoming a good entrepreneur.



У него были все возможности стать предпринимателем.

Remember: следующие глаголы и выражения требуют после себя герундий:

to avoid

to accuse off

to burst out

to agree to

cannot help

to approve to

to deny

to be afraid of

to enjoy

to congratulate on

to excuse

to depend on

to finish

to feel like

to forgive

to give up the idea of

to give up

to insist on

to go on

to look forward to

to keep (on)

to object to

to mind ( в вопросительных и

to persist in


отрицательных предложениях)

to prevent from

to postpone

to succeed in

to put off

to suspect of

to stop

to thank for


to think of

Ex.9. Translate into Russian, defining the functions of the gerund.

1.Discovering ideas is only a part of the process involved in starting a business.

2.We insisted on their being offered favorable terms of payment.

3.One of the major means of product identification is its packaging.

4.The manager is thinking of using unknown approaches.

5.These systems are alike in being very flexible.

6.Determining the types of goods and services for which there is a demand is the function of the marketing research.

7.In spite of not having enough money born entrepreneurs are able to make good progress.

8.He had not missed an opportunity of becoming a good entrepreneur.

9.Being an entrepreneur is undoubtedly stressful and demanding.

10.By hiring more part-time workers, a company will be able to avoid paying the fringe benefits that go to full-time workers.

11.Production of inventory meant building up a supply of goods in storage for later use or sale.

12.A piece-rate system is a method of paying employees based on the number of items they produced.

13.They were informed that trucks were the most adaptable method moving goods.

14.Obviously there will be a number of pros and cons connected with being a sole owner.

15.Entrepreneurs` starting their own business through franchising decreases the risk factor for women who are not experienced in business.

Ex.10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.

1.There is no use … trying to stop that.

2.I'm sorry if I hurt your vanity … saying so.

3.She only succeeded … opening a restaurant.

4.Lanny passed dancing people … seeing them.

5.They love … being dominated.

6.He wouldn’t drop his subject till he had brought you round to his way … thinking.

7.We reached the river … crossing the meadow.

8.… crossing the river at that time of the year was out of the question.

9.You must forgive me … calling at such an hour.

10.But I was afraid … intruding upon a sorrow I could not lighten.

11.I was thinking … bringing her to talk to you.


12.She has been used … having her own way.

13.He guessed that the Baron must be tired … sitting.

14.Somebody told me she'd taken … wearing a wig.

15.They say that you're very clever … finding out what did happen.

16.You see, if a man's getting off with a girl, people notice it usually because men aren't so good … hiding their tracks.

17.Perhaps somebody would have a better chance … doing well in life.

Ex.11 .Open the brackets, using the necessary form of the gerund.

1.The girls were busy (pack) when one of them suddenly remembered (live) the milk on the stove which was probably boiling over.

2.Little David couldn’t bear (recite) his lessons in the presence of his stepfather and Miss Murdstone. They frightened him so that he couldn’t help (make) mistakes though he tried hard to avoid (displease) them and (scold).

3.I landed in London on an autumn evening. My friends expected me home for the holidays, but had no idea of my (return) so soon. I had purposely not informed them of my (come), that I might have the pleasure of (take) them by surprise. And yet I had a feeling of disappointment in (receive) no welcome. I even felt like (cry).

4.The girl was proud of (choose) to represent the sportsmen of the school at the coming competition. She thanked her classmates for (choose) her and promised to do her best to win.

Герундиальные конструкции

существительное (в общем падеже)

+ Герундий или местоимение (в объектном падеже)

I don’t mind him opening the window.

Я не возражаю, чтобы он открыл окно.

She insisted on her son being allowed to go home.

Она настаивала на том, чтобы её сыну разрешили пойти домой.

Ex.12. Re-write the sentences, change the underlined parts with the gerundial construction using prepositions where necessary.

Example: The mother insisted that her son should enter the university. The mother insisted on her son entering the university.

1.That nobody saw them was a mere chance.

2.The place looked so picturesque and cheerful that he rejoiced at the thought that he would come to live there. (of)


3.When he entered, she stood up and left the room, and even did not looked at him. (without)

4.When Robert came home from the college, after he had passed his examinations, he felt very happy. (on)

5.In the darkness they were afraid that they might lose their way. (of)

6.When he reached his destination, he sent a telegram home to say that he had arrived safely. (on)

7.Thank you that you helped me. (for)

8.The new medicine may be recommended only after it is approved by the Scientific Board.

9.You will never learn your mistakes if you do not write them out. (without)

10.When the boy entered the room, he glance curiously around. (on)

11.The patient felt much better after he had been given proper treatment.

12.Just before I left the classroom, I was approached by a fellow student who asked me to help him.

13.Looking at the man attentively, she remembered that she had seen him and spoken to him on several occasions.

Ex.13. Translate into Russiаn, using the gerund.


1. Я нe возражаю, чтобы остаться дома и поработать над моим переводом. 2.Учителям не нравится, когда дети плохо себя ведут.

3.Не могли бы вы дать мне книгу, когда закончите её читать?

4.Он не мог не думать, что его сын совершил большую ошибку.

5.Ты удивлена, что я разговариваю с тобой таким тоном?

6.Прежде чем вы уйдёте, я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы ответили на кое-какие вопросы.

7.Благодарю вас, что вы прислали мне такие красивые цветы.

8.Она часто думала о том, как вернётся в родной город.

9.Родители часто жалуются, что дети к ним невнимательны.

10.Шум в соседней комнате мешал мне думать.

11.Она была недовольна тем, что мы вернулись очень поздно.

12.Менеджер закончил диктовать письмо секретарю?

13.Я думаю о том, чтобы поехать летом на юг.

14.Мы отложили обсуждение доклада.

15.Вы не возражаете, если я приду немного позже?


1.Мы должны отложить обсуждение доклада до получения необходимой информации.

2.Президент возражал против того, чтобы взять ссуду в банке.

3.Проверка финансового положения компании является основной задачей аудиторов.

4.После проведения маркетингового исследования компания вышла на новые рынки.


5.Он настаивал на том, чтобы счета были проверены.

6.Оценка финансового положения поможет мне решить, что она может позволить себе сделать с точки зрения расширения и капиталовложения.

7.Получая большое количество заказов, он начал нанимать больше рабочих.

8.Руководству компании удалось решить назревшие проблемы.

9.При выборе месторасположения завода необходимо учитывать несколько факторов.

10.Нет никакой надежды, что мы выполним полный анализ ситуации в течение


11.Наши партнёры против того, чтобы отложить переговоры на более поздний срок.

12.Выполнение маркетинговых исследований даёт точное представление о том, что происходит на рынке.

Ex.14. Read and translate the text. Find –ing forms and define if they are Participle I or Gerund.


A system approach is one that views the business as a network of interrelated parts functioning together - not as isolated operations not depending on each other. Most large firms use a system approach to organizing production. In any organization it focuses on the inputs, the processes involved and the outputs or results desired of the system. A system approach to manufacturing means that firms first determine the desired quality and quantity of the output or final product. Then they establish the quality and quantity of inputs needed to desired output. The inputs in production are including natural resources, materials or labor, capital and management – the factors discussed earlier. Product planning, process planning and production control are all parts of the system approach to production management.


Inventory control means keeping records of material on hand and maintaining the appropriate balance of materials. This in especially difficult for a large manufacturing firm which may have several thousand different types of material on hand. Most firms establish minimum and maximum levels of inventory that are acceptable using one of many sophisticated methods. Another related problem is in determining the value of inventory on hand. Since the value of inventory is determined in dollars, changes in the value of a dollar affect the worth of inventory. During inflation the value of both materials and finished goods rises.


Use of Computers Automatic control system indicating the level of operation of machines is predetermined and controlled automatically by a computer. A computer is a machine that can perform rapid calculations and make choices from predetermined instructions. For example, a computer may control the adjustment of a carburetor on a car.


Computers have been used extensively in business since 1960. Their use in production, however, was not widespread until the coming of the mini-computer in the early 1970s. Since then, small, low-cost mini-computers have been introduced in many production plants. They are performing repetitive, specialized jobs. These may include running machines, or testing anything from carburetors to cigarettes. In Polaroid's 90 percent of the operations are controlled by minicomputers



Внешние признаки, отличающие отглагольное существительное от герундия







1. Употребляется с

The reading of the book



was stopped at 7 o'clock.



Чтение книги было



остановлено в 7 часов.


2. Имеет множественное

He did not take part in the



sittings of this committee.



Он не участвовал в



заседаниях этой





3. Имеет после себя

The writing of tests takes a



lot of time.



Написание текстов



занимает много времени.


4. Определяется

I don't like the loud



speaking of my friends.



Я не люблю громкий



говор моих друзей.


5. Определяется


I don't like his speaking






Я не люблю, когда он



громко разговаривает.

6. Имеет прямое


We began boiling the




(существительное или


Мы начали кипятить

личное местоимение без







Ex.15. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the –ing forms: the gerund or the verbal noun.

1.She blamed herself for having been a dull companion.

2.The singing of those beautiful folk songs impressed me greatly.

3.Your having written is really no excuse for your not coming on the day fixed.

4.Such doings can hardly be explained.

5.The motor was carefully examined before starting.

6.I am very pleased to meet you after hearing so much about you.

7.Your hair wants cutting.

8.I shall look forward to seeing you again.

9.It was no use talking about it any longer.

10.Sleeping is necessary.

Ex.16. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the part of speech of the words with –ing ending: participle, gerund, verbal noun.

1.Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceful breathing that all danger was over.

2.I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, began waiting for my father to come.

3.With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him.

4.She praised herself for having come.

5.Having stopped crying, the child quieted down to hard thinking.

6.The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight.

7.Remembering that time was like going back to his childhood and reliving those happy days.

8.Looking back upon that time, he realized how happy he had been than.

9.Tom lived there like a paying guest, attracting very little attention of the others.

Ex.17. Translate the following sentences into English, using the gerund, the infinitive or participle I.

1.Есть только один способ разрешить этот вопрос.

2.Он стал принимать это лекарство после того, как посоветовался с врачом.

3.Я не имел возможности побывать на юге Франции.

4.Получив приглашение принять участие в конференции, он начал готовиться к ней.

5.Узнав, что компания продала его изобретение, не поговорив с ним, изобретатель возмутился (рассердился).

6.Я не знаю, почему они решили отложить этот вопрос до следующей недели, вместо того, чтобы обсудить его немедленно.


7.Я ничего не могу сказать о преимуществах этой модели, не посмотрев её в действии.

8.Я не вижу причины увеличивать гарантийный срок.

9.У нас нет возможности завершить эту работу на этой неделе.

10.Я знаю причину, по которой вы покинули город.


ИНФИНИТИВ Формы инфинитива










indefinite/ simple

to use

to be used


to be using



to have used

to have been used

perfect continuous

to have been using





Функции инфинитива.



Способы перевода на русский язык.












To make a marketing research needs a lot of information.




Проведение маркетинговых исследований требует




большого количества информации.




To make a marketing research he needs a lot of








Чтобы провести маркетинговое исследование, ему




требуется большое количество информации.




The marketing research needs a lot of information.




Маркетинговое исследование, которое ему надо




провести, требует большое количество информации.




He decided to make a marketing research.




Он решил провести маркетинговое исследование.


Часть сказуемого


He must make a marketing research.




Он должен провести маркетинговое исследование.




His aim is to make a marketing research.




Его цель – провести маркетинговое исследование.


Ex.18. Translate into Russian, defining the functions of the infinitive.

1.To construct plants abroad and assemble foreign-made parts here becomes more common to Americans.

2.To name the competitors in advertising has become a practice where price and quality are compared.

3.To build more capacity than needed means to use money that is not producing income.

4.To use a Balance Sheet form organizes your assets and liabilities.

5.To set up even small unnoticed business nearby the city provides a very comfortable living for its founder.

6.To market a product successfully a marketer must develop a strategy.

7.To assure that the territory is adequately serviced the franchiser will require the construction and operation of a number of outlets within a period of time.

8.Your income may be sufficient to cover the family basic living expenses.

9.Business firms take a risk of organizing the factories of production to produce goods and services that they think consumer will buy.

10.Most large concerns have a number of economists on their staff to help them to forecast the expected fluctuations.

11.Department may plan the campaign, choose the media to be used and evaluate the results.

12.In determining the amount to be spent on advertising firm uses a variety of methods.

13.There are some of the questions to be answered before entering a foreign market.

14.Requests for all items to be bought by the department are sent to the purchasing department which orders them from suppliers.

15.A key factor in starting a high-growth venture is choosing the right industry to enter.

Ex.19. Open the brackets, using the necessary form of the infinitive.

1.They seemed (quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door.

2.They are supposed (work) at the problem for the last two months.

3.The only sound (hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.

4.Her ring was believed (lose) until she happened (find) it during the general cleaning. It turned out (drop) between the sofa and the wall.

5.They seemed (wait) for ages.

6.I hate (bother) you, but the students are still waiting (give) books for their work.

7.He seized every opportunity (appear) in public: he was so anxious (talk) about.

8.Is there anything else (tell) her?

9.He began writing books not because he wanted (earn) a living. He wanted (read) and not (forget).

10.I consider myself lucky (be) to that famous exhibition and (see) so many wonderful paintings.

11.He seems (know) French very well: he is said (spend) his youth in Paris.


12.The enemy army was reported to (overthrow) the defence lines and (advance) towards the suburbs of the city.

13.The woman pretended (read) and not (hear) the bell.

14.You seem (look) for trouble.

15.It seemed (snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow.

Remember: инфинитив употребляется без частицы to:

-после модальных глаголов;

-после глаголов to let и to make;

-в сложном дополнении после глаголов восприятия (to see, to hear, to feel, etc.);

-после выражений: I would rather…, You had better… .

You may ask me a question.

Let me go.

I saw her leave the room.

I would rather go home.

Ex.20. Put to with the infinitive if necessary.

1.I like ... play the guitar.

2.We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold.

3.They wanted ... cross the river.

4.It is high time for you ... go to bed.

5.May I... use your telephone?

6.They heard the girl... cry out with joy.

7.I would rather... stay at home today.

8.He did not want ... play in the yard any more.

9.You look tired. You had better... go home.

10.I wanted... speak to Nick, but could not... find his telephone number.

11.It is time ... get up.

12.Let me ... help you with your homework.

13.I was planning... do a lot of things yesterday.

14.I'd like ... speak to you.

15.I think I shall be able ... solve this problem.

16.What makes you ... think you are right?

17.She made me ... repeat my words several times.

18. I saw him… enter the room.

19.She did not let her mother... go away.

20.Do you like ... listen to good music?

21.Would you like... listen to good music?


Инфинитивная конструкция с подлежащим

The Subjective-with-the Infinitive construction (passive structure)

The national economy

is considered

to develop rapidly.




Сказуемое, что(бы)



Считается, что национальная экономика развивается быстро.

Запомните перевод следующих выражений: to be likely – вероятно

to be unlikely –маловероятно to be sure – точно, определённо

to be certain – определённо, несомненно

Следующие глаголы в данной конструкции употребляются в активном залоге:

to seem – казаться

to appear – оказываться to prove – оказываться to turn out – оказываться

The Personnal Manager appeared to be an experienced specialist.

Оказалось, что менеджер по персоналу является опытным специалистом.

Ex.21. Translate into Russian. Find the subjective-with-the infinitive construction.

1.Most businessmen and economists seemed to feel that higher profits were necessary to attract new investments.

2.Every group is likely to have its leader who is the first to understand a new idea or try a new product.

3.The results obtained are said to be right.

4.Increases in purchasing power by these family units are expected to mean a continued growth in demand for consumer products associated with travel and education.

5.This appears to be particularly true among the so-called yuppies in their acquisition of everything from homes to clothes and to cars.

6.Success tends to be more common than failure for highly-potential ventures because they are supposed to be directed by talented and experienced people able to attract the right personnel and the necessary financial resources.


7.Today’s customers are thought to be more concerned with distinctiveness and individuality rather than following the crowd.

8.At first glance, “unit sales” seem to mean simply how many potential customers there are in the market for you.

9.Individuals are thought to have the desired information in marketing survey.

10.A salesman is needed to represent the goods or to fit them to the customer’s needs.

Инфинитивная конструкция с дополнением(complex object) The Objective-with-the Infinitive construction (active structure)

The economists believe the production growth to increase the demands for labour.

Подлежащее сказуемое дополнение инфинитив Подлежащее сказуемое, что(бы) подлежащее сказуемое

Экономисты считают, что рост производства увеличивает спрос на рабочую силу.

Ex.22. Translate into Russian. Find the objective-with -the infinitive construction.

1.Many franchise agreements require you to contribute a part of your revenues to a regional advertising fund.

2.Some franchisers will expect you to sign the contract right away.

3.Most of us know American business to be efficient in producing the goods and services that we need.

4.The economists consider the production to be the process of converting raw material into useful goods.

5.We find Mexican food to be the favorite of 21 to 35 age group.

6.The first company to offer a new product has an advantage over other companies.

7.A firm that wants to stay in business has to give constant consideration to introducing new product to meet the changing desires of consumers.

8.Many franchisers suppose the franchisee to put up 30 to 50 percents of the total franchise package cost as an initial investment.

9.This is an opportunity for you and the franchiser to assess each other and see if you can work together on a long-term basis.

10.This interview is also an opportunity for you to raise questions about the franchiser’s financial stability.


Ex.23. Translate into English, using the infinitive.


1.Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю.

2.Я рад, что встретил её на станции.

3.Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер

4.Дети любят, когда им рассказывают сказки.

5.Я сожалею, что причинил вам столько беспокойства.

6.Он будет счастлив, посетить эту знаменитую картинную галерею.

7.Я слышала, что кто-то позвал меня.

8.Все ожидали, что она выйдет замуж за Пита.

9.Она заставила меня написать им письмо.

10.Мы никогда не слышали, как он говорит по-английски

11.Мы ожидали, что он придёт в субботу.

12.Я хочу, чтобы у тебя было доброе имя и хорошая репутация.

13.Я знаю, что он очень опытный преподаватель.

14.Его родители не разрешают ему приходить поздно.


1.Чтобы продемонстрировать важность функции сбыта, он подразделил её на шесть этапов.

2.Многие люди предполагают, что персональные продажи являются важным фактором успеха.

3.Телефонное интервью является новым социологическим методом опроса, который надо широко использовать в практике.

4.Мы считаем, что компьютерная технология оказывает существенное влияние на сектор услуг.

5.Менеджеры должны иметь точную информацию, чтобы принять решение.

6.Вероятно, в ближайшие несколько лет в маркетинге будут возникать новые направления.

7.Оказывается, существует много возражений, направленных против рекламных компаний.

8.Каждый производитель хочет, чтобы его продукция была продана успешно.

9.Известно, что потребительский спрос на товары или услуги является эластичным.

10.Нам сообщили, что четырёхлетний контракт со страховым агентством о спонсорской помощи истёк.

Ex.24. Read and translate the texts. Find Infinitive and define its form and function.


Once the site for a plant has been determined, it must be built or rebuilt for the equipment and procedures it will house. The size or capacity of the structure will depend on how much production is needed. To build more capacity than needed is to have money that is not producing income. To build less capacity is to be unable to meet all the demands of customers, and so to lose income. This is a tricky balance to


achieve. Many firms build their plants with some excess capacity in the expectation that sales will increase. The plant is built in such a way that it can be expanded later at a relatively low cost.


Process planning deals with the procedures for manufacturing a product, once specifications for it have been developed. The product specifications describe the materials to be used, the measurements of the product, and the standards of quality to be met.

In process planning, the type of plant and equipment, their layout, and the procedures for manufacturing the product are to considered. Process planning is assumed to vary widely depending upon the type of commodities being produced. Most of the time, a company will make a product in a plant. Sometimes, however, it chooses to build a new plant or remodel an existing one . If it wishes to build a new plant, it is faced with the problems of choosing the best location for a new plant.


In the 1920s, businessmen added to their concern with the technical problems in running a business a concern for the human problems. Frederick W. Taylor, whose influence on management ideas dates from about 1900, is known to have stressed the need for specialization in management. The notion of management as a science began to form and the practice of formally training managers take place.

In this period, before introducing strict federal income taxes, some of the greatest American fortunes were made. The Rockefellers, the Harridans, Andrew Carnage, Frock, and the Melons-these are only a few4 of the people who played an important role in transforming their business to multimillion-dollar businesses. Some of them, such as Andrew Carnage, chose to be more than a businessman. Carnage gave millions to social causes; he was said to have contributed to the building of 2,811 libraries in the United States and abroad. Later he founded the Carnage Institution of Washington, DC, to promote scientific research, and the Carnage endowment for International Peace, both of which are still in existence.

Ex.25. Read and translate the texts, including the grammar phenomena of the units (Participate, Gerund, Infinitive). Analyze their using.


Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or used to satisfy customers and accomplish the company's objectives. Several important elements of the definition need to be sharpened so that you will fully understand the importance and scope of this leg of the business triangle. First of all, marketing consists of a large number of business activities. Some of these are: gathering product information, product design and development, packaging, transportation, advertising, and selling. These activities help direct the flow of goods and services. This implies that business starts with what the customer wants, rather than what the firm wants him to have.


There are many people who would argue that it is done the other way around. Next, it should be noted that the definition includes the marketing of both goods and services, not just goods. Finally, it is the task of marketing to satisfy customers and, at the same time, meet the company's objectives. A business exists to fill a want and make a profit while so doing. A firm must do both to stay in business.


Marketing considerations are central in business decision-making. More and more firms have come to realize this in the last ten to fifteen years. To describe the process of placing the consumer first in all business decision-making, the term marketing concept was coined. The marketing concept implies that a firm starts by determining what its customers want. Then all production, finance, plant location, and other decisions are made with due consideration of their impact on the final customers.

To reach the customer and meet the company's objectives successfully, a firm puts together a marketing mix – the right blending of product, price, promotion, and place. Implementation of the marketing concept in a firm implies that marketing activities become central in all operations and not something only engaged in after a product is made.


In these days of increasing global integration, the task many international marketers face is not so much market entry as managing the marketing mix in different national markets. Is it better to standardize or to adapt it across different markets?

Consumer tastes in cars are very different in North America, the UK, Germany, Italy, Japan and India. A 'global' car that does not have country-specific differentiating features will fail. The manufacturer, therefore, has to find the balance between designing a separate car for each market – which would be exorbitantly costly – and designing one car for all markets. Nissan was a pioneer in this area. It reduced the number of different chassis designs from 40 to 8 for cars meant for 75 different national markets.

Some companies, however, do develop the same product for all markets regardless of existing local preferences. Companies such as Kellogg have succeeded in changing consumption patterns. Breakfast cereal was unknown in France 20 years ago. Today it is common. Kellogg ignored the research that said cereal would not sell in France. In contrast, Coca-Cola changes the flavour of its soft drink to conform to local tastes. Coke in the US tastes different from Coke in the UK, which in turn tastes different from Coke in India.

Thus there is a spectrum of new product development strategies. Firms sometimes customize a product to every market; at other times they offer one standardised product everywhere; and sometimes they compromise and settle in the middle.

New product development that co-ordinates efforts across national markets leads to better products and services. Such opportunities are not normally available to a company that operates only in one country or is only just entering a new country.


The advent of the Internet and Intranets has the potential to accelerate the process of mining all markets for relevant information and for features that can be included in new products. Unilever has four global research laboratories that develop products for their different national markets while providing inputs for global products. The laboratories co-ordinate their efforts by looking at the possibilities of melding product ideas arising from different countries. Motorola's software development establishments coordinate their efforts in working on different modules of the same project.

Companies also develop products in different countries in markedly different ways. Japanese companies, for example, tend to believe much more in getting new products to market and J then gauging the reaction to them. The product itself may have been developed with reference to observations of present and potential customers rather than conventional market research. US companies, on the other hand, tend to use more formal market research methods. And for German companies, product development schedules tend to be more important.

Clearly, companies decide on different launch strategies for different categories of products. Toshiba launched the Digital Video Disk (DVD) in Japan in November 1996, in the US in March 1997 and in Europe in autumn 1997. However, Intel launches its latest PC chips practically simultaneously in all countries. The launch decision also includes marketing mix decisions. When Citibank introduced its credit card in the Asia-Pacific region, it launched it sequentially and tailored the product features for each country while maintaining its premium positioning. The promotional, pricing and distribution strategies also differed from country to country.

As a contrast, consider Rolex. The genuine Rolex watch is the same certified chronometer anywhere in the world; its positioning – as the timepiece for the elegant high achiever – is the same around the world, as is the advertising message. One will always find a Rolex in an upmarket distribution outlet and at a premium price. Or consider Unilever's Lifebuoy soap, which has different ingredients in India compared to East Africa. However, Unilever positions the soap in the same way in both markets

– as an inexpensive everyday soap that has antibacterial properties and protects health.

From the Financial Times


NTERNATIONAL businesses believe they are not fully prepared to handle a growing number of threats in an increasingly volatile global marketplace, according to a report published by leading business risk consultancy Control Risks Group.

According to the company's annual assessment of risks facing international business, globalization and the development of communications technologies have precipitated significant concerns among executives concerning risks, including organised crime, terrorism, internal fraud, corruption and direct action by pressure groups. Globalisation has also exacerbated many pre-existing, low-probability, highimpact risks, such as kidnappings.

These concerns were revealed through a business survey, conducted by the Industrial Research Bureau, of US and European companies about attitudes to risk and risk management among international business development directors.


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