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Translation varieties.pptx
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Tibor Gérus

English II/3.

Generally speaking all translation varieties have much in

common -similar approaches, similar translation means

and devices. According to physical parameters of translation process, however, translation is divided­ into written translation (or simply translation) and oral (or interpretation)­ .

Interpretation, in its turn, is traditionally divided into

consecutive interpretation­ and simultaneous interpretation.

Chuchotage and at-sight interpretation­ are commonly

regarded as alternatives of consecutive interpretation­ despite minor differences in physical procedures.

Written translation is also divided into several sub- categories depending­ on the genre of the text being translated, such as literary translation­ (fiction, poetry and publicistic texts), translation of official documents,­etc.

In consecutive interpretation the interpretation follows the source utterance, whereas simultaneous

interpretation is performed simultaneously with the original speech.

This time lag of the interpreter relative to the speaker is the main distinction of consecutive

interpretation, which determines the peculiarities­ of the approach and translation devices used by

the interpreter.

Ina similar way almost zero time lag of the interpreter during simultaneous­ interpretation is critical

for the choice of translation devices and approaches as well as determines the necessity of using

special equipment­ for interpretation.

Without special equipment simultaneous interpretation is impossible­.

The equipment for simultaneous interpretation comprises earphones,­ a microphone and a sound- insulated booth which serves as the interpreter's work-place. Because of physical and mental strain simultaneous­ interpretation is considered the hardest and most stressing interpretation­ variety that requires special skills and qualities. It is regarded as a top class of interpretation and demands special vocation and training. Basic skills and training methods of consecutive and simultaneous interpreters­ are discussed below in this Manual.

As it has been already mentioned all translation varieties use similar approaches and translation devices. Both in written translation and during­ the interpretation the translator (interpreter)may use either transformational­ or denotative approach.

Basically, the choice of one or another approach in written translation­ depends on

the genre of the text being translated rather than on the translation variety. In

interpretation practice, however, there are two instances­ when the choice of

approach is determined by the working environment­.

Consecutive interpreter generally prefers denotative approach since it is virtually impossible to memorize the entirety of the long text passages being translated and translate close to the source text.

Simultaneous interpreter is bound to keep to transformational approach interpreting the source text by small fragments.

It should be added that in translation the decisions made by the translator are the results of thorough speculation and, ideally, are conscious,­ whereas in interpretation the interpreter's decisions are mainly subconscious andintuitive.

Simultaneous interpreter is bound to keep to

transformational approach interpreting the source text by

small fragments.

It should be added that in translation the decisions made by the translator are the results of thorough speculation and, ideally, are conscious,­ whereas in interpretation the interpreter's decisions are mainly subconscious and intuitive.

Asconcerns translation devices, they are basically the

same for all translation varieties. Moreover, it is hardly

possible and feasible to explain­ when to use which device - in many aspects translation is an art implying constant search for unprecedented decisions. However, in this Manual we attempt to file a sort of translation device inventory when it seems rational (Lectures 10 and 15). For example, one of the instances when particular devices are feasible is text compression during interpre­ tation.

Chuchotage and at-sight interpretation are two specific

alternatives of consecutive interpretation proper. During

chuchotage the interpreter speaks in low voice, almost whispers so that only the interpretation user can hear. This interpretation alternative is rather hard for the interpreter who has to control the pitch of his or her voice. As concerns the approach­ it is similar to that used in standard consecutive interpretation.

At-sight interpretation is another variety of consecutive

interpretation­. The difference is that the interpreter reads

a written text in a source language rather than listening to the speaker as in ordinary consecutive interpretation. However, there is a peculiarity of this interpretation vari­ ety which, unfortunately, is often overlooked.


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